Tim Hawkins Comedy Tour
Feb 10, 2013 at Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, TX
When I say this is THE funniest guy I have ever seen, I am not kidding. And I have absolutely no reservations to say you are going to think the same thing (unless crude and obscene humor is more your style but even still I'd bet you couldn't help but bust a gut when hearing this guy).
Two years ago I happened upon some of Tim Hawkins' material when I was looking for a video of a female Christian comedian to play at a ladies event for church. When I came up with NOTHING, and was desperate to find something, anything, funny, a friend recommended Tim Hawkins. The first video I watched was pretty good. I giggled to myself several times as I sat alone previewing it in my bedroom. But watching a 10 year old video of this guy by yourself versus seeing him live with a crowd of a couple of thousand people is a completely different story.
My husband and I first saw him last year in Houston and I literally thought the chili I had for dinner (and the bread bowl it was served in) was going to come back up from laughing so hard. Half way through the show I was begging for a break and a breath of air. If you've never seen Tim Hawkins live, I know you think I'm exaggerating. And that's ok, because I would have thought someone else was stretching the truth too if I had never seen him. But this dude is crazy funny! And it's non-stop the whole show. I dare you to see for yourself and prove me wrong!
But for now, just check out this sneak peak of funniness:
And here's a look at some specific Christian comedy:
The best part about Tim Hawkins (besides the fact that he's so stinkin' funny)...his comedy is completely clean, from start to finish. It's totally a family show. I mean your kids might not understand his jokes but at least you won't have to cover their ears for most of the show. Even though we would be completely comfortable taking our kids to a show, we don't. And that's because it is the perfect date night for us! This is one of those shows that both of us enjoy equally. It's not like when I have to drag my husband, kickin' and screamin', to a broadway show or something similar that he despises. If he knows Tim Hawkins is going to be anywhere near our area he will hound me until I buy the tickets. (And that's HUGE for my husband. He travels by trade so getting him to go anywhere is a big deal.)
So if Tim Hawkins happens to be performing in an area near you, I highly urge you to go. It's funny stuff, people. So, JUST DO IT. I promise you'll thank me for it.
Here's the link to his tour dates:
For my friends in Indianapolis, he'll be there in March so plan your date night NOW! Boise friends, he'll be in your neck of the woods in June. And Modesto peeps, Big Valley Grace will be hosting Tim in July. Don't miss it!!!
Have YOU seen Tim Hawkins LIVE?
If so, am I lying when I say this is the funniest dude around?